EKOTEK Soluciones Medioambientales

:: Projects >> Lines R&D+i >> Sustainability

Greening the Tourism Sector in Uganda


The overall objective of this action is to boost the transformation of Uganda towards an inclusive green economy by enhancing the sustainability and competitiveness of a key sector for the country, as it is the Tourism Sector. To attain this, the action aims at equipping MSMEs of the Tourist Accommodation Sector in Uganda to implement Best SCP Practices and Environmental Management Systems (EMS ISO14001), ensuring not only compliance with internationally recognised best environmental practices, but also favouring the creation of decent jobs. At the same time, the action will foster sustainable consumption by consumer awareness raising campaigns and supporting MSMEs of the Tourism Sector on Eco-Mark Africa (EMA) labelling scheme implementation. Finally, special attention will be paid to enable policy environments for SCP and linking MSMEs to financial institutions..


The main outputs of the project are: (1) improved sustainability and resource efficiency of the Tourist Accommodation Sector in Uganda and compliance with internationally recognised EMS ISO14001; (ii) promoted green commercialization and consumption by implementing Eco-Mark Africa (EMA) labelling scheme in the MSMEs of the Tourism Sector in Uganda; (3) created a panel of experts on SCP practices, EMS ISO14001 certification and EMA labelling scheme to foster the continuation of these practices once the action is finished; and (iv) increased awareness and commitment of governmental institutions and financing bodies in SCP practices and Sustainable Tourism’s benefits.